Register anything, anywhere with the iPhone app

I have a serious etiquette issue with displaying your wedding registry on your Facebook page, like wants you to do, but I will admit that the bar code scanner function of the Universal Wishlist and Barcode Scanner app ($1.99) is a snazzy and useful piece of technology.

In essence, brides and moms-to-be can registry for gifts while doing routine shopping, because like this app’s advertising touts, “The world is your virtual department store.” So instead of spending a whole day at Bloomingdale’s, staring down china patterns and 500-thread count sheets, you can scan anything, anywhere to add it to your list.

As a bonus, the app lets you compare prices from store to store to ensure your guests can get your baby booty and wedding loot at the best deal.

If you’re more of a cash kind of guy or gal, check this out. The app allows you to set up a designated fund for cash gifts to use for your honeymoon, your first house or even junior’s college fund (hey, it’s never too early to start).

Finally, thank all your lovely friends and families for the presents and cash by using the app to send an evite to an after-wedding barbecue.

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