Users are presented with a flashcard-style deck of cards for all 44 U.S. presidents (yes, Barack Obama is included). Each card displays a nicely rendered color image of the president, their dates in office, party affiliation and order of presidency.
You can flip through the cards one by one in order, or set the option for random. There is also an option to display all the presidents in one long list.
USA Presidents App
The real power of USA Presidents is quiz mode. When enabled, the app presents you with 10 to 50 questions in a multiple-choice format. You will be asked to identify presidents from the details given on each card. After each quiz, the app gives you a score and logs the results so you can track your improvement.
Of course, this app is only helpful for the data presented. If on test day you’re asked which U.S. president invaded Panama, you’ll need more than this app can provide. (That would be George H. W. Bush, the 41st U.S. president.)