Puzzle games are generally all pretty similar – there are usually going to be either something you need to move or an obstacle you need to overcome, all within either a timed interface or with a limited number of moves.

The key feature of a puzzle game needs to be the right balance between challenge and frustration. Too much challenge and you make the player irritated, too little and they don’t feel like they’re doing anything useful.
To provide a challenge, most puzzle games either give a failure criteria or some kind of limited life system, all in an effort to keep you playing so as to overcome adversity.
By these definitions, Hyperminimal is definitely a puzzle game, but somehow it falls short on every single one of these criteria.[sc name=”quote” text=”By these definitions, Hyperminimal is definitely a puzzle game, but somehow it falls short on every single one of these criteria.”]
In Hyperminimal, you tap to release a ball that is shooting straight ahead in a line, trying to reach another ball of light. In the way are a variety of obstacles that will move in predictable patterns. The challenge is both in timing your release and in halting your ball mid-flight by tapping and holding on the screen.
You can’t actually stop your ball, merely slow it drastically, so you need to not only avoid hitting the obstacles but actively predict how long you will need to hold on before your momentum, even if it is slowed, crashes you into a solid line.
This sounds pretty standard so far, with not much originality or difficulty. However, the frustration comes in the shapes that are used to provide obstacles.
Obstacles will interlace and entwine themselves, forcing you to have to constantly over-predict what you are doing. Additionally, you have to contend with the fact, because the ball of light only flows in a straight line, you essentially need to tap in a precise pattern to be able to survive.
The only way to achieve this precise pattern is to endlessly repeat the same level over and over again. There is no challenge or growth in doing this, only endless frustration that culminates in a rage-filled explosion that usually results in you turning the game off.
You can get around one obstacle after eight tries, only to then die to the next one, despite your repeated attempts.[sc name=”quote” text=”You can get around one obstacle after eight tries, only to then die to the next one, despite your repeated attempts.”]
Though the ascetic choice in Hyperminimal is, as the name would imply, hyper minimalist and simple white and black colors, the pleasant color scheme does little to distract from the endlessly frustrating, mind numbingly irritating gameplay.
The base of the game is fundamentally solid as there is only so much that can go wrong with lines and a ball moving forwards, but somehow Hyperminimal manages to make it irritating and frustrating all the same.
[review pros=”The base gameplay is decent enough in its simplistic puzzle design, as well as its nice color scheme.” cons=”The obstacles are endlessly frustrating and confusing. The wholegameplay revolves around frustrating gameplay decisions and endless irritation.” score=3]
[appbox appstore id1453226815]