Archlion Saga – Beautiful Animation, But The Ai!

Archlion Saga is a tactical RPG with a heavy focus on story that puts you in the position of being the classic chosen one – you must defeat the evil Serpent that seeks to destroy the sun and bring eternal darkness.

Mankind is plagued with a disease that leaves loved ones dying, including your own sweet old mother, meaning you need to start fighting and try to save her.

YouTube video

As per any kind of tactical RPG, the combat is turn-based, which focuses on a simplistic standard of Attack and Guard, allowing you to prepare yourself for any stronger attacks from your enemies. You can use items to affect the battlefield, as well as combining attacks with anyone else in your party.

Instead of in other RPG games wherein members of your party attack one at a time, actions are combined across all your party, meaning if one attacks, everyone does.[sc name=”quote” text=”Instead of in other RPG games wherein members of your party attack one at a time, actions are combined across all your party, meaning if one attacks, everyone does.”]

This makes combat exceptionally quick, not really feeling like a difficult experience at all. Alongside this, you have an Auto fight feature that allows you to sit back and relax as the game takes over combat for you. This can be tempting to use, but will frequently leave you in a position wherein you’re not really playing the game.

This is boring for many gamers, but some people just want to experience a decent story – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

The UI of Archlion Saga can tend to feel a little cluttered, as there’s always a lot of information to somehow include. One problem with this is the inclusion of a story reel that gives you up to date information on the story as you progress. This appears in a rolling bar along the top left of your screen, but it takes too long to scroll along the objectives. You end up with no idea what you’re looking at or what you’re supposed to do unless you wait absolutely ages for it to roll through the story sufficiently.[sc name=”quote” text=”Archlion Saga is a game that manages to create a compelling universe and build a decently intriguing story – the combat is simplistic and the actual gameplay is merely limited to the infrequent fights, but the quality of the game is in its animations.”]

The absolute best part of Archlion Saga is its animation; it is frankly excellent, with a huge amount of little characterful movements and details that make the game feel alive. When characters are expressing confusion or consternation, their models spin about in frustration in a somehow adorable way, making the entire experience feel very alive.

Archlion Saga is a game that manages to create a compelling universe and build a decently intriguing story – the combat is simplistic and the actual gameplay is merely limited to the infrequent fights, but the quality of the game is in its animations.

Archlion Saga is pretty, engaging and visually appealing – the animations alone will keep you coming back, even if its just to get another look at a white reindeer as it turns into a witch.

[review pros=”Beautiful animations. The combat is simplistic, without being too easy.” cons=”The UI is cluttered and takes too long to change itself.” score=7]

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