Apps to Spring Clean your Life

Below are five apps to help you spring clean your life:

Clean My House (Android)

Rather than focusing your attention on one big yearly spring clean, spring clean the way that your house is cleaned with Clean My House, easily create cleaning rotas and checklists that you can share with your family or housemates. Clean my House is extremely easy to use and the design is clean and simple, making it perfect for organizing who is responsible for each task and when it has to be completed by. You can sort tasks into different categories or rooms, add each individual household task and set due dates and the frequency that the task has to be completed. With Clean My House it has never been easier to create a cleaning rota that everyone can access and with handy reminders, you’ll never have to hear the excuse “Sorry I forgot again.”

Smart Closet (iOS, Android)

Spring is a great time to sort through your closet, move all the thick winter jumpers to the back and make room for your new summer wardrobe but we all know that within a few weeks your closet will be back to its good old messy self. As part of your digital spring clean why not organize your closet with the help of Smart Closet, a sleek and simple app that allows users to add both their own clothes and items from popular high street brands, to create outfits. With Smart Closet it doesn’t matter how messy your real closet gets you can easily look through your clothes and create outfits from your phone. You can save outfits to a calendar, this is extremely useful when packing for trips but is also an excellent way to organize your clothes for the week ahead and safe yourself a heap of time each morning.

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Dollar Bird (iOS, Android)

The start of spring is the perfect time to organize your finances, with summer vacation plans underway and the debt of Christmas behind us, spring is a fresh start and with Dollar Bird it is easier than ever to track your spending and start saving. Dollar Bird allows you to log every time that you spend money and quickly see how the small expenses are adding and evaluate where cuts could be made. Dollar Bird does all of the hard work for you, adding up your total spending over a day, week or month and using your income to calculate the money that you have spare. You can also add events and bills to the in app calendar helping you to plan ahead and manage your money, so that you don’t have to worry about running out of money a week before pay day.

Bright ToDo (Android)

Organize your life and manage your to-do lists with Bright ToDo. If you find yourself leaving sticky notes around the house and writing notes on your hand in a vain attempt to remember all of the small tasks that fill your life, Bright ToDo is a must have app on your phone. The app allows you to create different lists, so that you can organize your tasks into different projects to suite your lifestyle. Each list consists of a checklist style view, so that it is easy to tick tasks off the list as you complete them. There is also a handy month view option, combing all of your different lists so that you ca check you’re not double booking yourself. Bright ToDo uses a beautiful design that makes the app easy to use but also motivating, with the use of bright and cheerful colors.

Stocard (iOS, Android)

We all have a wallet full of store cards, some that we use, others that are probably out of date they’ve been there so long and the annoying ones that you might use once or twice a year. With Stocard it is time to spring clean your wallet and get rid of all the extra cards you’re not using. Stocard provides you with one place to keep all of your store cards, meaning that not just will you never find yourself in the annoying position of having left your card at home but you also don’t have to deal with a wallet full of cards. When you go to a store all you have to do is up the app and scan the barcode. It’s that simple.

As an additional feature the app also shows you offers for the stores you have saved, plus those it thinks you might be interested in.

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