Favorite iPad Apps

Twitterrific for Twitter

The BEST Twitter App for the iPhone is the BEST Twitter App on the iPad. Using it feels like tweeting from the U.S.S. Enterprise deck. Flawless!


Wallpaper Creator – Granimatorâ„¢

What could possibly be cooler than creating your own wallpapers on the iPad inspired by works from Airside, Pete Fowler, Buro Destruct, James Joyce, Rexbox and Moving Brands? Pure awesomeness!


We Rule for iPad

Need I say more? If you liked this game on the iPhone, you will love it on the iPad. Stunning!


Marvel Comics

If you’re a fan of comic books, you’ll feel right at home with this app. It feels just right!


Things for iPad

The app is gorgeous not to mention its usefulness. It feels like an integral part of the iPad!


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