If you read books so quickly that it’s hard to remember what you’ve read, iBookshelf will save you from buying the same book twice.
I purchase books by the half dozen and then stack them on a bookshelf until I get around to reading them. It’s not too hard to forget what I bought.
With iBookshelf, you can type in the book information or download it from Amazon by entering a book’s author or title.
After inputting your collection (which could take a long time), you can sort books by title, author, genre and status. You can also input the books you want to read, a handy reminder for when you visit the bookstore and can’t recall what you wanted. Better, it’s a tool that can save you money: iBookshelf can check which public libraries in your area have the books you want.
My favorite iBookshelf feature was the status section. This can track the books you own, borrowed from a friend or lent to a friend.
This simple app is easy to use, fun and extremely helpful for book lovers. For $1.99, you’ll never buy the same book twice.