Ugandan US Soldier Finds Success with African Cuisine Business

"Soldier's Cuisine Success"

Daisy Smith, originally from Uganda and currently serving in the U.S. military, has achieved success with her food business “Taste of East Africa”. She began by selling homemade samosas at local farmers markets but soon diversified her offerings to include traditional East African dishes such as matooke, rolex and luwombo.

Smith’s business quickly became a favorite at markets and branched out into catering and online food deliveries. She passionately brings Ugandan cuisine to U.S. consumers, gaining a large and diverse customer base. Her dedication and success have not gone unnoticed, setting an inspiration for budding food entrepreneurs.

Smith’s startup journey began modestly with an investment of $200, which turned into $12,000 over one summer from samosa sales. The momentum continued, helping her fund her expansion, and her unique food business began to attract media attention, inspiring emerging entrepreneurs with her story.

Now, her business ‘Litto’s East African Cuisine’ caters various events, from Super Bowl parties to Valentine’s Day celebrations. This venture mixes traditional African flavors with modern culinary trends, offering a unique experience for their clientele. Her innovative approach continues to broaden her thriving business.

Smith is also part of a mentorship program encouraging business ownership among active military individuals, their spouses, and veterans. This program coaches business basics like cash flow forecasting, marketing and record keeping. It offers theoretical learning and hands-on business experience, along with networking opportunities with experienced entrepreneurs and potential investors.

Smith’s continued participation in this program has led to a deep understanding of the essentials of business development, management, and operations. It aids in overcoming insecurities related to cash flow forecasting, creating effective marketing strategies, and mastering accurate record keeping.

This mentorship program is designed to support the military community by providing tools, resources, and expertise, aiming to stimulate economic development and foster innovation. Its ultimate goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem of military entrepreneurship.

Smith’s motivation stems from more than just making money. She seeks to create value and impact through her venture and advises other entrepreneurs to work on something they are passionate about, to avoid burn-out and maintain interest even in difficult times.

The mentorship program offers regular classes on vital business topics and connects individuals with experienced business leaders and potential investors. It encourages entrepreneurs to seize such opportunities to accelerate their success, while fostering a network of shared experiences and professional relationships.

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