Top five iOS sync Calendar app


After experimenting with the month view font size (9 works for me), display options, etc, I got a very clean, simple, easy to read month view calendar. Copy and Move events is quite easy once you figure out how to do it, which is slightly unintuitive due to it’s Korean flavor. The advantage is that it’s fast, simple to operate, and just looks great for seeing month view and up to six events listed per day in a day cell. Very reasonable as well. The calendar sets keep my family’s schedule on my iPhone but not clogging up my calendar.


Week Calendar

Portrait week view calendar that includes timebars. Options allow only certain hours to be displayed, and setting the options right with a bit of experimentation means you never need to scroll. Loads quick, looks great, and it’s very reasonable.


Pocket Informant

Best month view timebars which makes finding that certain Wednesday you’re not busy. Loads up a bit slowly though, and costs a bit.


Calvetica Calendar

If you need to know what’s happening on a particular day two months from now, Calvetica will do that very quickly for you.



Including this one cause while it loads up slower, a lot more expensive, and doesn’t look quite as clean as SmartCalendar(Eng), it was what I used for over a year before SmartCalendar(Eng) came out.


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