Today’s iPhone 5 rumor: No new Apple phone in June or July

Don’t expect prototypes of the iPhone 5 to wind up in some Cupertino watering hole any time this spring.

MacRumors is “reporting” that the iPhone 5 won’t be launched in June or July – well after Apple (AAPL) hosts the 2011 Worldwide Developer’s Conference last month. This information, which should be taken with an ocean salt, arrive to MacRumors via at AT&T (T) customer rep who contacted the site.

Still, this information is consistent with everything we are hearing about the upcoming iPhone 5. All the signals are pointing to a fall release, perhaps in concert with Apple’s annual September music event.

Of course, the one thing we know about Apple is to expect the unexpected. While conventional wisdom says the iPhone 5 is at least three or four months away, many speculators have lost the shirts expecting Apple to adhere to conventional wisdom.

Stay tuned…

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