Tired of phone tag? Allstate iPhone app can help

Every one of us can remember the days when checking in with your parents was the monkey on your back. Some of us remember this time very vividly – probably because last night you got the phone call from your mom saying, “I told you to check in! Where have you been!?” If it’s not your parents, do you need to check in with your co-workers or classmates, and don’t want to spend the time texting (or can’t do it while driving)? Tag In by Allstate (Free) for iOS is a great way to get all of this done.

This app is designed to allow you to contact one or more people with quick, pre-made texts that include a geo-tag for cut-to-the-chase communication. Tap the app, and you’ll find yourself watching the Allstate splash screen. The app will then remind you that in order for it to function properly, you’ll need to allow the app to use your current location. With that out of the way, you will be at the Tag In page.

There are three main interfaces to this app: Tag In, Settings and About Tag In. On the Tag In page, you’ll have your list of contacts. Tap one of them, and it will bring you to the list of quick-texts. Here you can choose between options such as “I’m here,” “On my way,” “Running late” or a few others. Tap one, and you’ll be at your iPhone native text interface with the text pre-made and ready to go – complete with a shameless plug for Tag In. Tap Send to tag in with your people.

Tap the second button on the navigation bar on the bottom, and you’ll be on the Settings page, where you can add contacts and groups for the people you’d like to tag in with. Lastly, on the far right of the nav bar, you’ll find the About Tag In page. Here you have the basic version info, Share Tag In, Tag In Uses, etc.

Aside from having a semi-solid function, this app’s main purpose, since it is produced by Allstate insurance, is to promote safe driving. Throughout the app are reminders to not text and drive. On the About Tag In page there’s even a button to call Allstate and get a quote. I like the motivation behind the app, but I don’t like using an app that primarily functions as an advertisement. If the functionality was stronger I believe they could get away with more.

There is one thing about this app that I can’t get over: Why must I add my contacts? I already did that 438 times in my iPhone address book!! I do not understand why they don’t simply access the data in your existing address book.

There is always (often) one redeeming factor (most of the time), and in Tag In’s case, it’s the geo-tagging. For that alone, I’d say give it a shot – I mean, it’s free.

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