These seven iPhone apps make sleeping, and waking up, a dream

So, you think you use your iPhone all day, and the only time it’s not in use is when you’re asleep.  Well, have I got a list of great iPhone apps for you. Now you can use your iPhone even when you’re unconscious.  Best of all, these seven iPhone apps will help you get a good night’s sleep, wake up feeling rested and able to get even more done during your day.

Falling asleep

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (99 cents). This iPhone app is really cool, and actually worked very well.  This alarm clock analyzes your sleep cycle and picks the best time for you to wake up.  It measures your movements and sounds during the night and picks the optimal time within a 30 minute window for you to rise and shine.  Best of all, it keeps stats on how you sleep, so it gets better at judging over time.

Sleep long and prosper. A good night’s sleep keeps you at your best.

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