These iPhone apps can’t protect you from a 250-pound linebacker, but they can dull the pain

As researchers learn more about the long-term impact of concussions, college and professional football players can turn to a number of iPhone apps for some guidance and immediate relief.

Earlier this year, for instance, University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow could have used Cognit, a free app that is based on the “Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice” tool kit from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This app provides a series of questions to ask players who may have suffered a head injury, saves the answers and allows the user to email results from within the app.

Here is a heads up on other notable apps for concussions and brain injuries.


Headache relievers

If concussion victims – or anyone for that matter – have a problem with headaches, then Headache Diary might provide relief. Like the name implies, this app allows you to record things like the day of your headache, potential triggers as well as treatments.

Of course if you don’t have a treatment, you may want to take an iAspirin or a dose of BrainFreqz – Headache Relief. Both virtual pain relievers use binaural beats to relax the brain and, hopefully, eliminate that pesky headache.

Brain-training games

Other nasty symptoms of concussions include difficulty focusing, concentrating and reasoning, but fortunately the iPhone offers loads of games to keep your brain in optimal shape.

Apps such as Brain Toot, Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima, Brain Tuner and Brain Up! are for those looking for a daily brain trainer. If you’re more interested in puzzles, then check out Brain Thaw, BrainTeaser, Brain Fit, Rolo and xCube.

As soon as you get done putting your brain through a workout, you can download College Football Live and SEC Sports to keep up with the latest news on Tebow’s injury. Both apps boast college football news and scores, though SEC Sports focuses strictly on the Southeastern Conference and offers exclusive content from the nation’s top football conference.

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