I confess to never being much of a space kid growing up. I had no urge to go to space camp, and I’m one of those jerks who enjoys joking that the original moon landing was staged.
That said, the NASA app might just become one of my front page “go to” apps.
There is so much information on this app; and all of it presented in easy to understand, analytical ways. You can view a gigantic photo gallery, a NASA Twitter feed with news updates on the latest NASA missions and a video gallery with behind the scenes looks at various NASA projects.
While that seems like that might be standard, what’s even better about all of this is the section of the app that allows you to simply view various NASA missions. Clicking on one of the mission titles explains the purpose of the mission as well as how long it has been since the mission began. While you could stop there if you wanted to do so, a nav bar at the top of the app lets you see any of the aforementioned details — pictures, news updates and videos — all tailored simply to the mission you clicked on.
You can also filter out the kind missions and news feeds you can see in the first place by category. If you want, you can overwhelm yourself with information, but the default settings on the app only give you a fraction of the available missions and feeds, making the initial experience a pleasant one.
To an outsider like myself, it seemed like NASA only did something of note every few years. This app does more than enough to dispel that notion, and any fans of space exploration would be wise to find that out for themselves.