Tesla enhances user data security, rivals emerge

"Enhanced Security"

Tesla’s updated user interface now alerts users when the vehicle’s location is being accessed, be it by Tesla or a third-party application. This improvement heightens transparency in data tracking and usage, as well as security measures. Now, Tesla owners can have control over who accesses their vehicle’s location. This choice reflects Tesla’s dedication towards customer privacy and security.

The new feature builds upon the old icon function, offering detailed data activity and naming which service is monitoring the vehicle’s location. With this development, users can track where their car is in real-time. Additionally, the feature gives a thorough breakdown of data activity, giving users a better understanding of who, how, and when their data is being accessed and used.

Although users can disable the location-sharing function for more privacy, it deactivates several features provided by the Tesla app and blocks third-party services from access to detailed vehicle data.

Tesla heightens data security, Rimac prepares competition

Yet, for those highly concerned about privacy, the trade-off could be worth making.

Meanwhile, Croatian car maker Rimac aims to contest Tesla in the autonomous vehicle market with their prototype robotaxi, Verne. The desire to compete against Tesla, a recognized leader in the autonomous vehicle space, exemplifies Rimac’s bold vision. Verne, Rimac’s prototype robotaxi, is set to lead the company’s foray into the self-driving market. Rimac believes they can disrupt the market hierachy through their innovative technology and strategic planning.

The Verne Robotaxi, with Mobileye’s LiDAR technology, a 43-inch central display, 17-speaker audio system, and launch plan in 11 urban areas in Europe, the UK, and the Middle East, introduces a revolutionary concept of comfort and technology combined. In contrast, Tesla, with its yet-to-be-revealed robotaxi Cybercab, remains focused on affordable transportation. The strategic focus of the two companies is evident in their respective single-vs-dual display systems in their vehicles, demonstrating their unique market priorities and approaches.

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