Soundsations is the new iPhone app sensation

Soundsations (99 cents) is the weirdest — but perhaps coolest — idea for an app, though I’m still thinking about it and kind of wondering if I’m missing something. Assuming that I didn’t miss anything and Soundsations is as great as I think it is, it goes like this: You choose from four different nature sounds—rain cloud, storm cloud, beach waves (though the pic is of a palm tree and the sun, go figure), and the windy whisper of flying (I only know because I looked it up, the pic is of a swarm of leaves so my first thought was fall)—and then play your selection while simultaneously listening to a song from your music library.

I still can’t get over the concept. I had the rain cloud going over a drum beat I recently laid down and it sounded so awesome; it was maybe better than anything I could have come up with on my own. Next, I tried a storm cloud over Rose Melberg’s “Bear in a Cave” and I was amazed by how well it worked. I felt like I was in my teenage bedroom sitting on a nook looking out the window and watching the rain while I listened to Melberg sing and cried about a recent breakup. It was flawless.

The one thing I can’t figure out about this app, though, is even as I’m obsessing over it (I have a big, dorky smile on my face as I write this), I have no idea who the audience is (aside from me). Or, more to the point, what is this app’s ultimate goal? Is my reaction just what the developer was looking for? If not, then what?

Despite my uncertainty of this app’s mission, I suppose the most important part is I’m enjoying it, and I will certainly be sure to pass my enthusiasm along to others. In the app, there is a brief mention of more sounds coming soon; I look forward to them.

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