Snafwho: Consulting Services – A New Age For Consulting

If you work in the professional world, regardless of your exact profession, there are two universal constants that will inevitably confound everyone at some point: you will either be an expert in something, and be looking for a client to pay you for consultancy; or you will be a potential client desperately be looking for a consultant to help you.

In days gone by, this would only be solvable by opening up the yellow pages, frantically Googling or, if you are lucky, you already have connections to hook you up with someone.

Now, though? We have apps.

Apps like Snafwho, whose chief purpose is to help connect both consultants and their potential clients.[sc name=”quote” text=”Apps like Snafwho, whose chief purpose is to help connect both consultants and their potential clients.”]

The app’s ascetic is pretty friendly and easy to use, without anything unnecessarily intrusive or confusing. On opening the app, the landing page itself is a list of the top consultants able to advise you. You can choose between an extremely long How To section, which details literally every conceivable possible use or issue you could have with the app.

Once you have familiarized yourself with its inner workings, you can join either as a consultant or as someone looking for help.

If you are signing on as a potential client, you need only provide the most basic information and your country, with more information being made available to consultants when necessary.

However, if you are registering as a consultant, then you have a bigger realm of possibilities – you can set your audio and video chat rates, allowing you to tell potential clients up front what it will cost to use your services.

You can list yourself as being an expert in a few different fields, such as Computing, Music and Finances, allowing potential clients to search for you on the landing page for the app.

Once you have registered and set yourself up as a consultant, you need only wait for new clients to come to you.[sc name=”quote” text=”Once you have registered and set yourself up as a consultant, you need only wait for new clients to come to you.”]

Those potential new clients need only search for what they are looking for and weigh up whether or not your expertise is worth the investment of your rates. You can then call them using only audio or audio and video both, and then work out the problem and find a solution.

Snafwho is a new type of client-consultant partnership, as it removes the inherent difficulty in trying to find an expert. Instead of having to crawl through Google searches or ask around at the office for someone who knows the right information, you can instead just search for them on the app and then hire them straight away.

The world of online freelancing and consulting is here to stay, only now it is starting to work for both the consultants and the clients.

[review pros=”Easy to use and simplistic ascetic. Convenient to find exactly what you are looking for.” cons=”The How To section is extremely dense, with far too much information.” score=8.5]

[appbox appstore id1084944044]

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