Five iPhone apps for an amazing Labor Day weekend

Whether you are hitting the open road or staying near home this Labor Day, we have some eclectic app recommendations to help you make the most of your long weekend. From help with car breakdowns and cheap gas to a three day diet plan and dog training, we have you covered with iPhone apps to create your perfect relaxing and revitalizing weekend.

Airbnb (Free)

Tired of staying in run-of-the-mill motels or boutique hotels? The free Airbnb app for iPhone links you up to more than 150,000 rental spaces around the world from regular people. You can book a Labor Day weekend staying in the apartment of a hip lady in Paris while she explores the city of her dreams in someone else’s abode. Surely you are taking a bigger risk trusting a random person and staying in their home, but isn’t travel all about adventure?

Breakdown Lane from Car Talk ($1.99)

Going on a road trip this Labor Day weekend? Don’t just get a routine oil change before you go, get uber prepared for an oh-crap moment with the Breakdown Lane from Car Talk app for iPhone. This smart app locates a consumer-recommended mechanic closest to where you break down. The Breakdown Lane app gives you reviews for the more than 30,000 garages as well as directions and a direct phone line. The app also has a “Breakdown Assistant” to help you fix minor problems in the nick of time.

GasBuddy – Find Cheap Gas Prices (Free)

If you are definitely set on taking a road trip this Labor Day versus flying via commercial flight to your destination, then you definitely don’t want to leave home without the GasBuddy app. This savvy gas app helps find the cheapest gas closest to your location. Saving money on gas means more beer money when you arrive at your Labor Day location.

Thank Dog! Mobile (Free)

If you’re not leaving home for Labor Day, why not use this extra time to kickoff a new fitness regime and train your dog? If that sounds good to you, peruse the free Thank Dog! Mobile app for iPhone. It’s an extremely comprehensive app that you will probably want to familiarize yourself with far before the weekend comes so you are ready to train and get fit! It’s a weekend treat for both you and your favorite canine.

Pure Sleep Premium* | AmbiScience ($1.99)

Want to win the gold medal in sleeping over you Labor Day weekend? If you simply want to sleep the weekend away and catch up on some much needed relaxation, get the Pure Sleep Premium* | AmbiScience app for iPhone. I sleep with this app on every night and it makes the world of difference. Sweet dreams! Just make sure you wake up on time to go back to work on Tuesday.

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