Report: Apple planning media event for end of January

Don’t get your hopes up too high – we’re not about to be getting a new iPad or the rumored Apple TV – but Apple is planning a media event for the end of January.

That’s the report from All Things D, anyway, which cites sources close to Apple and claims there’s a media event coming in the next few weeks. The event will be important, the report says, but also somewhat small-scale, and take place in New York.

All Things D says that several sources the publication spoke to insisted that the event wouldn’t be the announcement of the iPad 3, the next version of Apple’s super-popular tablet, which is expected to show up in the spring. And it’s unlikely that Apple will be announcing a new interactive TV set this month, either, even though rumor has it that Apple will have a new Apple TV out later this year. The reasoning against the Apple TV being announced in New York is that, given the device’s market, All Things D expects it to get an announcement event in either Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

So what does that leave for this supposed New York event? It seems likely the announcement could be related to one of Apple’s other content initiatives related to the iTunes App Store. Rumor has it that Apple Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue will be a part of the announcement. He’s in charge of things like Apple’s iAd division and its involvement in publishing, as well as iTunes, iCloud and the App Store. So it seems likely that the announcement could pertain to one of those things, but it’s hard to know for sure at this point.

Last time Cue was at an announcement in New York, Apple helped launch News Corp.’s iPad-only magazine, The Daily.

We don’t know just yet what to expect from Apple at the end of the month, or even if there really will be an announcement this month. We’ll keep our ears to the ground and bring you any new information we get.

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