Rediscovering Your Music


Browse your albums by their covers. This gives you a good overview of the albums in your collection.


Cover Match

A game of memory using your album covers.


Music Trivia

Identify the album, artist or title of a randomly chosen song from your library.


Audio Puzzle

A jigsaw puzzle where the pieces are made up of snippets of a song.



Play three songs by one artist then proceed to the next. And it has a gorgeous interface!


Attic ~ Music Controller For Forgotten Albums in Your iTunes Library

Beautiful app displaying the sleeves of albums not played recently on a shelf. Play an album by popping the vinyl record into the jukebox!


Groove FREE: Smart Music Player for iPhone

Automatically create groovy mixes, listen to favorites (based on your listening habits) or go for the three-of-a-kind mode. More great features include random artist and album picks, and “Artist Duos” for creating a playlist with songs by two similar artists.


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