RadioSoulwax a must-own for DJ-friendly music fans

For a product without a built-in radio, the iPhone has been extremely kind to music fans. There are dozens of apps you can download that act as virtual radio stations and/or collections of specific genres of tunes. But RadioSoulwax is one of the only apps I can think of that might be as enjoyable to watch as it is to listen to.

On the music end, RadioSoulwax is a series of hour-long DJ mixes spanning all sorts of genres. If you’re a fan of early hip-hop, there’s a mix for you. If you like cover songs, dance music, whatever, there’s a mix for you. Right now, the mixes are being released once a week until there are 24 of them that will play on a continuous loop, one each hour, like a pre-programmed radio station.

If you’re more of a “want-it-now” type of person, you can opt to stream whichever mix you’d like off of the app, or download it into the app so you have it available to play even without an Internet connection. The only issue there is that you can’t actually listen to the mixes using the iPod app, you have to open them in RadioSoulwax.

But back to the visuals! Each mix comes with background visuals. And not the sort of spaced-out iTunes plug-in visuals we’ve all been watching since the days of WinAmp. These visuals are more like stop-motion films made from the various album covers of the songs that are playing in the mix. It’s a brilliant idea, and it looks so good. I’ve been listening to the app non-stop, and it’s hard not to keep going back to look at the video portion while the songs are playing.

If you’re a fan of mash-ups and just plain excellent mixes, RadioSoulwax is a must-download. Its combination of inventive mix themes and unique visuals makes it a treat to look at and listen to, and the mixes themselves are extremely well-done.

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