Preschool ABC Apps

A Bee Sees – Learning Letters, Numbers, and Colors

Easy to use, and kids love popping balloons! Plus you can set the level of difficulty.


MyABC (7 in 1): Write & Learn alphabets and letter sounds

A neat app that includes writing the letters, and some sign language! Lots of different ways to learn about letters


abc First Step – Letters & Sounds for iPad

A flashcard app using letters. Touch interactive with cute animations when you touch. Includes letter sounds.


Letter Practise

A letter writing app. Gives you a visual model that you can copy.


Letter Quiz – an alphabet tracing game for kids learning ABCs

A receptive ABC game. Gives you several letters to pick from. When you guess wrong the Ipad shakes!!! When you guess correctly you get an image of something starting with that letter. Funny!


Little Sky Writers

Another letter writing app. Has several vehicles top ick from. The vehicles trace the letters so you can learn letter formation.


Letters A to Z for the iPad from True Learning

Another animated alphabet flash card program.


Fish School – by Duck Duck Moose

Has an ABC portion where the fish form the letters. Also has a few other games including memory.


ABC Magnets

A virtual fridgerator that has abc magnets to arrange. Make words, sort letters, ect…


ABC Phonics Animals – Talking and Spelling

Teaches phonetic sounds, animal sounds, writing letters and words, and letter recognition.


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