This is the app that introduced me to this style of helper app. For me, I need help remembering in topical ways more than anything else, and so this is my most useful app.
Siri Assistant
Being that it combined some of the functions of Reqall with some of the functions of both Wallet Zero and Personal Assistant Premium, I thought it would be useful.
Pageonce Pro – Money & Bills
This contains many different types of accounts for banking (not as many as I’d like being in Canada), PayPal, email, Twitter, etc. gradually adding more all the time. This has the most APIs of all these services from what I can tell.
WalletZero – zero clutter, zero worries, convenient savings
Has a great group of different discount, grocery and membership cards all of which are scannable by most laser scanners and is a good example of what this type of app is trying to do.