PayPal app is missing a few things

The PayPal app for the iPhone does not measure up to the company’s awesome service found on the web.  

Among the functions you can do at but not available on the mobile app are paying a pending bill, transferring funds to a bank account, and requesting money from contacts or anybody else.  What you can do is check your balance and send money to contacts in your Address Book. 

I love the convenience of being able to dash off a couple of bucks if a buddy put my concert ticket on his credit card or if the commissioner of my fantasy league promises to scuttle my squad if I don’t send her the league fees pronto.  And if one of my Address Book contacts doesn’t use PayPal?  Not my problem! the PayPal app will email the person with instructions for setting up an account.  

The PayPal app does have a fairly nasty bug as it kept crashing when I tried to access the email of one of my contacts.  I eventually figured out the problem – the app didn’t like the order in which his contact information appeared – but I’m not sure I would have stuck around if I wasn’t writing a review.  PayPal, fix this.

While you’re at it, add some more features to the app.  Make it more like the full-scale PayPal.  When you do, you’ll have the perfect app.

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