I must confess, when I first heard about the app, I was nostalgic for my brief stint with underground raves (the ones I went to were legal!). Disappointment set in once I downloaded the app.
Perhaps I should say what the app wasn’t about as it hardly did much of anything. When you download iGlowStick from the iTunes store, you get these instructions: “To let it glow break the stick and shake the device!” And that is all you do. It’s the whole point, nothing more.
The special features? The six different colors are really nothing special. And the three “cool styles” didn’t really do much for me. This isn’t to say I despised the iGlowStick—I like a neon-colored glowing light just as much as anyone else. But I don’t really think this app is necessary in any way. It’s not even an unnecessary guilty pleasure; it’s just kind of silly. When describing the features in the app description, it is noted that the glowstick can be used as a flashlight, and that it is essential for concerts and parties. But the thing is, it is not essential for parties or concerts. And flashlights are great—they can be very useful—but I would much rather just have a flashlight than an iGlowStick.