No antenna issues with rumored reboot of Apple TV

While Apple is acknowledging the bar games it likes to play when displaying signal strength on the iPhone 4, the company’s reported efforts to reboot Apple TV will have longer-term consequences to consumers.

The New York Times is reporting that Apple is working on a major update to its television software. Further, Apple may be devising “an entirely new product” which could be based on the new iOS operating system.

Apple, of course, has already tried (and failed) to develop a television-based product with a commercial impact comparable to the Mac, iPod or iPhone. Yet those efforts preceded the launch of the App Store two years ago. As seen already with the iPad, consumers enthusiastically embrace the app paradigm when the screen size is increased to 9.7 inches. Who wouldn’t want access to 225,000 apps (and counting) on an actual boob tube?

The entertainment industry sure is getting ready. Already, consumers can tap into their favorite movies and TV shows via the Netflix and Hulu Plus iPhone/iPad applications. Disney’s acquisition of pioneering iPhone app developer Tapulous this week, further illustrates how studios are planning to distribute premium entertainment via apps.

While the electronics and cable industries still have a foothold in how media is consumed in the living room, Apple continues to encroach on their domain. Consumers already are using iPads and iPhones and complementary devices while watching television, there is no better time than no for Apple to go for the hat-trick and make a serious, successful play in television.

Pulse News Mini comes to iPhone

Pulse, the popular iPad RSS reader application that was briefly pulled by Apple after its release, is now available for the iPhone. The $2.99 app creates a “visual mosaic” of up to 20 selected news sources.

While RSS readers are a dime a dozen and the $2.99 price-point is on the top end of the market, the visual display and interface could appeal to news junkies and casual readers alike.

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