If you are trying to whip yourself into shape, a personal trainer might be a good investment. For those of us who don’t have that kind of disposable cash, there is the Nike Training Club iPhone application. It will get you organized and keep you motivated throughout your workout.
Before you can start sweating, the app requires you to create an account and log basic personal information. Then you get to select an avatar, similar to what you find on Nintendo’s Wii, that will accompany you through that app’s various windows.
Next up is creating an exercise program. There are two options, an indoor/outdoor program and an indoor-only program. Within each are training options for emphasis on “core,” “strength” and “cardio.” You must also set the intensity of the exercise program, choosing either “casual,” “committed” or “intense.”
The app then lays out a two-to-four week training schedule with highly detailed exercises that are aimed to help you meet your fitness goals.
Don’t know what a triple-dip hold is? No worries. Each exercise is accompanied by a demonstration video in which friendly and fit looking trainers show you exactly what you should be doing. The app also comes with preprogrammed timers, so you perform each exercise for the optimal length of time.
It would be nice if the app offered event-specific programming, such as a regimen for training for a marathon. But all in all it is a great app for those trying to get themselves in gear. And while it is clearly aimed at women, there is no reason why men couldn’t use it too.