Mopho iPhone app couples photos with Facebook Connect

There are plenty of check-in services to choose from if you’re jumping on the geo-tagged location bandwagon, but the new iPhone app  (free) is trying to set itself apart from the others by putting an emphasis on social photography.

To use Mopho, you must have a Facebook account. Although this makes the service easy to use—no additional credentials or networks to create—for anyone who likes to keep their profile separate from their location service or free from third-party apps, Mopho isn’t ideal.

Once you’ve allowed Mopho to publish to your Facebook profile, you can take a photo, enter a caption and mark it with a location. When taking a photo through the app, the shutter on my 3G was incredibly slow, which made for a few blurry test shots—you can’t use images from the camera roll. The app also forced me to choose a location from its preexisting list of nearby places—many of which have closed. You can create custom locations and users can also pin a location to a Facebook event. After uploading, which is quick, you can see your current location on a map along with a display of how many people have also posted photos.

If you’re comfortable using Facebook Connect with a check-in service, Mopho’s photo focus is worth a look. But until Mopho offers a non-Facebook alternative—or even branches out to other devices—I don’t see it gaining in popularity.

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