Meme Machine – Completely Customizable Video Meme App

Nobody can really claim to know or understand every single meme that exists, and that’s kind of the point. They’re extremely varied and often personal to the individuals creating them. Even if some memes seem hard to understand, chances are you’ve come across at least one over the years that has made sense to you. Meme videos and pictures are used to portray a particular concept or idea. They don’t usually contain lots of text, but the text and image together can portray how we think or feel about something specific.

Meme pictures and videos have become an integral part of how we as a culture share different ideas and opinions. It doesn’t matter if you’re a casual social media user or an internet marketing guru, you have probably shared a meme at some point in order to convey your thoughts on social media. At the very least, you’ve seen at least one meme before when scrolling through your Facebook or Twitter feed. However, something you might not know is that memes are extremely easy to create and use![sc name=”quote” text=”The Meme Machine iPhone application features an advanced video editor engine unlike any other”]

In previous years, those wanting to make their own meme images would need to search the web for images before putting them into Photoshop or other web-based image editors before adding in their desired text. Making video memes was an even more difficult task as it required users to install and use video editing software via their computers or phones. The Meme Machine iPhone application features an advanced video editor engine unlike any other, allowing users to instantly add video footage, graphics, text, emoji’s and motion track them to the movement of their favorite video memes.

As memes continue to dominated social platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the methods for making them has also become easier and more user-friendly. Although the app’s appearance leaves something to be desired, Meme Machine is a simple application that allows a user to create, edit and share their video or image meme with friends and family on a variety of social media platforms.

The app was created with one simple goal in mind: To disrupt the way people share their favorite videos with the world. In the past, users have had to deal with software and content-management systems that came with huge limitations and steep learning curves. Nowadays, creating the next hot viral video and quickly sharing it with the world can be done with just a bit of your time and a few swipes on your iPhone! Similar to how an emoji can be used to convey your mood or emotion, memes created with Meme Machine can take a complex idea or state of mind and portray it much faster than typing it in pure text form.

[review pros=”Effortlessly customize and share video memes” cons=”The user interface should be improved” score=7]

[appbox appstore id1225687910]

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