Meet the Members: Martin Le (@jumpingfrenzy)

Martin Le is president of Gameville Studios, an app development company based in Hanoi and Houston. He just added a whopping 2150 apps to his app library, making him #1 Top Collector of the Week.

1. Tell us about yourself – where you live, your job, things you like to do.

I am Martin C. Le, president of Gameville Studios, a company specializing in producing high-quality games that are social, engaging and fun for audiences of all ages. Our head office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam and we have a branch in Houston, Texas. Several days ago, our first game named Jumping Frenzy was released and has got positive feedback from the market.

2. Which iOS device or devices do you own? Why did you choose iPhone or iPad?

I have an iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch Gen4 and an iPad. I choose them for my work developing our games on iOS devices.

3. Is there a particular category of apps that interests you the most? What are your top apps?

Frankly, I love all games. I have just downloaded 9mm. It is Gameloft’s greatest game. But…personally, Jumping Frenzy is my favorite because it is our brainchild . Apart from games, I think Google+ will be my choice for future, although the app has just been released. Color™ is another name on my list.

4. What apps are popular among your colleagues and friends?

Angry Birds, of course.

5. Give an example of a time an app was truly useful to you.

At the engagement party of my sister, we forgot to hire a photographer/ cameraman. Luckily, I had Camera+ on my iPhone and I became a “professional cameraman” on that day ^^!

6. What other Appolicious member do you admire the most and why?

I have just become an Appolicious member. So I haven’t had much time to have a look at all members’ profiles on Appolicious. but I am so impressed by Jessicadally for her reviews. I love to read her reviews on apps. She is the #1 reviewer of this week now.

7. Do you have a blog, Twitter, Facebook, app etc. URL’s you’d like to share?

Download my first game: Jumping Frenzy with five beautiful locations.

Thanks to all members of the Appolicious community!

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