LinkedIn SEO: Hack to Boost Your LinkedIn Company Page

linkedin seo

LinkedIn is one of the great social networking platforms which you use to level up your business. This multi-functional podium can also be used for sales, product marketing, searching for jobs, and even expanding your brand. However, only creating a profile or page for your organization will not do a miracle for you. In order to grab some good business deals, you need to optimize your LinkedIn SEO so that your company page can stand out and get noticed.

Creating a perfect LinkedIn profile or company page is a difficult task but it is not impossible. Here, we are going to present some tips and hacks to create a LinkedIn page that will make you rank on LinkedIn SEO.

What is SEO for LinkedIn?

Many of you might have heard of SEO for Google or SEO for a website, LinkedIn SEO or SEO for LinkedIn is also the same. LinkedIn follows some algorithm and chooses different profiles as per the criteria, filters them out, and shows them on top when someone searches a keyword related to it. In addition to this, other criteria like your industry, interest, and job title also play a significant role in LinkedIn SEO.

Top 10 tricks to optimize your LinkedIn profile:

#1. Keep the Profile up-to-date

The first and foremost thing is to keep your organization’s page well-maintained and updated. All the required details should be filled in a precise manner so that the visitors do not get into any kind of trouble while going through it. Also, add a high-quality profile picture along with the cover photo which may consist of the logo of your company and if it is a professional or personal account then add an eye-catching formal profile picture to grasp the attention of other users at one glance.

Also, the information regarding what product or service your company offers should be clearly visible on your profile. Adding proper contact details on your page is also very essential as if someone wants to contact you, it becomes relatively easier for them.

#2. Reach out to people

Reaching out to different LinkedIn users is also very helpful for SEO ranking and expanding your LinkedIn network. You can search for LinkedIn users that have common interests as you and then connect with them. This will eventually make users and industry specialists understand what you do and they may show interest in your talent and ideas. LinkedIn’s algorithm will also detect activities from your account and will end up showing it in the top few users.

To reach out to people you can send them a connection request or follow their page and initiate a healthy conversation with them regarding the industry and field expertise. Along with ranking on LinkedIn, you may also get a few customers for a lifetime. Having a warm interaction with them may help you gain some referrals from them which will also grow your network.

However, if you want to reach out to people at a large scale to grow your profile it would be a tiring process. You can use Salesrobot to help you out. It is an automation tool, designed for LinkedIn outreach and prospecting. This will help to automate the process entirely. You can create campaigns for your target audience and send them messages and connection requests in bulk. So now you don’t have to go to each person’s profile to interact with them, this can be done by the use of AI.

#3. Use LinkedIn Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to reach new people and get your content seen by a wider audience. When you use relevant hashtags, your posts are more likely to show up in search results, giving you greater visibility. Even if the user is not following your brand, they may be following a particular hashtag related to your organization or profession which may make them land on your page.

Hashtags are also effective in increasing your profile engagement rate and getting noticed by LinkedIn. At a certain point in time, you can use hashtags that are trending on LinkedIn or in other words those hashtags which are frequently used on LinkedIn, this will make your company’s page gain a better position.

#4. Make Use of LinkedIn Groups

Joining and participating in LinkedIn groups is another excellent way to expand your reach and get your content seen by more people. Groups provide a great opportunity to engage with others in your industry, share your expertise, and build relationships.

You also need to stay active in these groups and interact frequently with fellow group members. But be cautious while choosing the groups, they must be related to your organization and the members have an interest in your profession or industry. The more you engage in LinkedIn groups, the higher the chances that your page may get noticed and will grow quickly.

#5. Highlight Your Skills and Endorsements

Make sure to showcase your skills and endorsements prominently on your profile, as these are key indicators of your expertise. You can also include links to relevant articles, blog posts, or other online content to further demonstrate your knowledge in a particular area.

If it’s a company page then you can seek recommendations from different users and make sure to add a complete title to your LinkedIn page. If you have added images to your profiles then you should appropriately name them so that it would be easier for your profile visitors to grab the most out of your profile. Just keep in mind that LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards full-fledged LinkedIn profiles.

How to get 99+ endorsements on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn skill endorsements add great value to your profile and to get a good volume of skill endorsements you need to reach out to a lot of users on LinkedIn.

You can also send a short note such as:

Hey {first name}!

Just went through your profile. It’s amazing!

Did you know Linkedin users who have at least 5 skills on their profile are expected to receive 17x more profile views?

I am looking forward to building my Linkedin profile by getting more Linkedin endorsements. I was anticipating that you could help me with this. If you endorse some of my skills on my profile, I’ll definitely endorse back your skills.

Let’s grow together!

#6. Use keywords wisely

It is very important to use keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile so that it appears in search results for those terms. Do proper keyword research regarding your industry and LinkedIn trends and add the keywords carefully to your profile.

If you are a beginner, you can have a look at your competitors’ LinkedIn pages and analyze what types of keywords are used and how to frame them accordingly. Keywords must be used in such a manner that only a peep at them can draw up an idea in the reader’s mind regarding your company. However, you should also be careful not to stuff your profile with too many keywords. This can come across as spammy and turn people off.

#7. A personalized URL

Whenever you are using LinkedIn on the web you get a URL of your profile which can be used to promote your profile offline as well as on other platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Quora, etc.

In addition to this, you can also create a personalized URL for your company on LinkedIn which will make it clear from the URL itself what kind of business you have.

For example:

#8. Share suitable content

As LinkedIn is a kind of social networking site, you can always use it to post relevant content and share your ideas publicly. You should add posts to your account regularly to get more engagement. It may initiate interactions in the form of comments on your post.

A company can talk about its features and specifications and why people choose the. This content can also be linked to your website by adding the required hyperlinks. This will help to get traffic to your website as well.

#9. Give engagement to others

Only posting on LinkedIn may not be helpful for you to get a good number of engagements in the form of likes and comments. You have to interact with the posts of other users as well. This way they will also show interest in your posts. When you engage with other users’ posts, they notice you and their followers as well. This can help to expand your reach and get your content seen by a larger audience. This will help your company gain popularity on LinkedIn.

#10. Stay active on LinkedIn

LinkedIn SEO also tracks how actively you use LinkedIn. If you are regularly posting new content, engaging with others, and expanding your network, you will be more likely to rank higher in search results. Post relevant content according to the prevailing business problems consistently and be active in sharing and commenting. Make sure to follow informative pages on LinkedIn so that you can stay tuned for updates on LinkedIn.


These are some of the ways which can help you to improve your LinkedIn SEO. By following these tips, you can ensure that your profile is visible to a wider audience. Plus, you are able to build relationships with others in your industry. You need to be super active on LinkedIn, share content and have a conversation with specialists. Also, the use of keywords in your profile plays a very important role in deciding where your profile will be in LinkedIn search results. Make sure to reach out to people using LinkedIn groups as well because groups help you to build your target audience as well.

It’s hard and time-consuming to make your page rank on LinkedIn. But in the end, it is worth all the effort that you put in.

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