Keepsafe Unlisted – Keepsafe Your Privacy

Although people might insist otherwise, privacy is not just the guilty man’s purview.

Everyone needs to be concerned about privacy, whether in regard to keeping your own thoughts and feelings private from those around you, or in regard to protecting your information from the government; it doesn’t matter.

No company understands this better than Keepsafe Unlisted – their app range covers all manner of privacy apps. From protecting your photos with Keepsafe Photo Vault to providing you with a safe and secure VPN, Keepsafe has you covered.

The latest in this history of privacy apps is Keepsafe Unlisted, an app helping you protect your primary phone number and ensure your phone calls and texts remain private.

Though your mind might immediately go to nefarious purposes, it is fair and understandable for someone to want their phone calls to remain private.

Sometimes people need to call someone they’d rather not have in their phone history; other times, it’s about making sure someone who might go through your phone not notice a number. Regardless of the reason, it’s difficult to maintain this level of privacy without manually deleting the call every single time you dial it.

With Keepsafe Unlisted, it’s all made so much easier.[sc name=”quote” text=”With Keepsafe Unlisted, it’s all made so much easier.”]

You can select specific area codes to handpick a new number for yourself, allowing you treat the app within your phone like a separate phone altogether.

You can add credits to be used for texts or calls at your discretion, as well as renting the phone number for a set period of time or a monthly contract. This makes it easy to get precisely the amount of privacy you require, without having to waste money or time.

By using the burner number provided by Keepsafe Unlisted, you can make and receive texts and calls, with no evidence or trace of the contact ever being made. This is because Keepsafe Unlisted uses direct VoIP calls, meaning it’s all handled by the app.

The design of Keepsafe Unlisted is as slick as ever, with a minimalist feel that reminds you that this app doesn’t need to know your business; it frankly doesn’t care. It just wants to provide you with a safe and secure private experience.[sc name=”quote” text=”It just wants to provide you with a safe and secure private experience.”]

Keepsafe Unlisted completes the range of privacy features provided by Keepsafe Software, as it meshes its functionality into one combined account. You can hide your photos, your phone number, even your VPN connection, all within one account.

This makes it incredibly easy to keep all your data safe and secure, but still convenient for you to access and utilize at your leisure.

Keepsafe Unlisted is another great step in a direction towards total privacy controls – you not only can control your data, but can now even have conversations in complete and total privacy, all thanks to Keepsafe Unlisted.

[review pros=”Another great installment in Keepsafe’s privacy series. Excellent and easy to use interface.” cons=”Lacks the secure fingerprint login of other Keepsafe apps.” score=9]

Keepsafe Unlisted is available for iPhone and Android smartphones.

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