During the New Year, many of us use this time to take stock of our current situation and find ways to improve our lifestyle through the implementation of New Year’s resolutions. This year, use your iPhone to help keep you on track with handy apps that can inspire you along your path of self-improvement, whatever your resolutions may be.
Fitness & Health
Strategize your weekly runs in the New Year with the free iMapMyRun iPhone app. This fitness iPhone app has a huge database of exercise-themed maps allowing users to create and share routes with other users. It’s a handy tool to calculate distance and keep track of calories burned. This savvy app also logs and analyzes all your workouts over time, so you can improve and stay motivated. The app connects with other popular fitness accessories, such as Nike+ and Garmin’s running watches.
Busy moms who are looking to fit more fitness into their daily routines in 2011 will love the Playground Pump the Workout – Chris Rauchnot app ($2.99). It’s a full body workout, made up of 44 interchangeable exercises, which will get your heart pumping all without a visit to the gym while you watch the kids play.
Basketball season is in full swing at the turn of the New Year. If your New Year’s resolution is to get out onto the court, stay fit and improve your free throw percentage, check out the iFreeThrow app ($9.99). This app helps basketball players visualize the perfect tempo and rhythm for swooshing their free throws every time.
Finance & Household
Create a budget and stick to it with weekly reminders from the free Mint.com Personal Finance app. You can incorporate your checking, savings, credit cards and loans in this app versus downloading individual apps from each company. You can also create customized categories, so if you need to keep your shoe spending in order in the New Year like me, you can put yourself on a shoe budget.
Keep your life and household in order with the List Monger – Lists on Steroids app ($2.99). Use it to make your list of New Year’s resolutions, your grocery list, your to-do list or even a list of random mental notes that you usually spew all over your desk on sticky notes. You can even keep track of resolutions you complete.
Fun & Motivation
Need daily motivation to stick to your resolutions? Check out the I Can Do It 2011 Calendar – Louis L. Hay app ($3.99), which provides positive thoughts and inspirational artwork to start each day out right in the New Year. Share your favorite affirmations with friends straight from the app.
If you want some help identifying resolutions for the New Year, check out the 101 Ways to Transform your Life – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer app ($5.99). Listen to the 101 affirmations specifically picked to find transcendence through life lessons. Identify one to use as your 2011 mantra.
Or, if all these app ideas aren’t inspiring you, just take a look into your future with the Fortune Teller Pro app (99 cents). Ask the starlit oracle your burning questions about your life in 2011 and heed the magical advice in the coming year.