iVanity Mirror is a front-facing camera, repackaged

I have a secret to tell you: Everyone using an iPhone 4 already has access to the iVanity Mirror app (99 cents). Only instead of being called iVanity Mirror, it’s called “camera.” Turn it on, flip it from back view to front and you’ll see the “mirror” portion of iVanity’s 99-cent app. Mind blown? Neither was mine.

Yes, iVanity Mirror is a step up from previous mirror app incarnations, but that’s only because of the required iPhone 4’s technology, not because the app itself is anything special.

The only addition iVanity Mirror brings to the table is the inclusion of eight frames to choose from, which you can access by swiping across the app. However, the app only supports the front camera, not the back, so that adds up to a lot of photos of, well, you (and if you’re one of those people, trust that your Facebook friends are already sick of looking at your photos).

If you simply must  add frames to your photos, stick with iVanity Mirror (free). I saw no difference between the paid and free versions—not even ads.

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