Success is a subjective term, and it’s all too easy to lose sight of our achievements amidst life’s everyday hustle.
How do you measure success? Is it the giant house, the flashy car, or the high-powered job? Psychology suggests otherwise.
It turns out there are certain accomplishments in life that signal success far more than material wealth or job titles. You might be surprised to find out that you’re more successful than you think.
In this article, we’re going to explore the 10 things that, according to psychology, truly showcase success. If you’ve managed to tick off a few of these, give yourself a pat on the back – you’re doing better than you think.
Let’s get started.
1) You’ve mastered self-acceptance
Psychological success isn’t about having the fanciest car or the biggest house on the block.
One of the most important markers of true success, according to psychologists, is self-acceptance. This is the ability to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, embrace your quirks, and accept yourself as you are.
It’s not about denying your flaws or pretending to be someone you’re not. It’s about embracing your whole self – the good, the bad, and everything in between.
Mastering self-acceptance means you’ve stopped comparing yourself to others and started living life on your own terms. You’ve recognized that nobody’s perfect – including you – and that’s okay.
If you’ve reached this point in your life, congratulations. You’re already more successful than you think. And remember, it’s not about comparison – it’s about personal growth and self-love.
Keep this in mind as we continue through this list – success is highly personal and deeply subjective. There are no universal rules or checklists. But self-acceptance? That’s a pretty good place to start.
2) You’ve learned to take failure in stride
Failure. It’s a word that many of us fear. But, according to psychologists, experiencing and overcoming failure is another significant marker of success.
Let me share a personal example.
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A few years back, I was working on a project that I was incredibly passionate about. I had invested countless hours and poured my heart into it. But ultimately, it flopped – big time.
At first, I was devastated, crushed by what felt like a monumental failure. But eventually, I realized that the failure wasn’t a reflection of my worth or capabilities. It was just a setback – a tough one, certainly, but not the end of the world.
From that experience, I learned valuable lessons about resilience and adaptability. I understood that success isn’t about never failing; it’s about picking yourself up when you do.
If you’ve had your fair share of failures and learned to bounce back from them, you’re doing pretty well for yourself.
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3) You practice gratitude daily
Did you know that something as simple as saying “thank you” can have a profound impact on your well-being and success?
Gratitude, the act of recognizing and appreciating the good things in your life, has been linked to numerous benefits. These include improved mental health, better sleep, stronger relationships, and enhanced resilience.
When you cultivate a habit of recognizing the positives in your life, you’re inherently training your brain to focus more on the good and less on the bad. This shift in perspective can help combat stress and negativity, bolstering your overall happiness.
If you’ve made gratitude a part of your daily routine – whether it’s jotting down things you’re thankful for in a journal or simply taking a moment each day to appreciate your blessings – give yourself some credit. You’re practicing one of the most potent success habits known to psychology.
4) You’ve developed emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you. It’s about empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication.
In the real world, EQ can often trump IQ when it comes to success. People with high emotional intelligence tend to have stronger relationships, better job performance, and a higher level of mental well-being.
If you’re able to navigate your own emotions skillfully and empathize with others in their emotional experiences – congratulations! You’re demonstrating a key aspect of psychological success.
Being smart isn’t just about academic or intellectual prowess. It’s also about understanding what makes us and those around us tick. If you’ve mastered that, you’re more successful than you might realize.
5) You’re pursuing your passions
True success isn’t just about achieving societal benchmarks – it’s about following your heart and pursuing what makes you truly happy.
It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race, chasing after external markers of success. But the reality is, true fulfillment often comes from doing what you love.
If you’ve found your passion and are brave enough to pursue it, regardless of societal expectations or pressures, then you’re already successful in a way that many people only dream of.
Success isn’t always about money or prestige. It’s about doing what you love and finding happiness in your everyday life. If you’re living passionately, you’re already ahead of the game.
6) You’ve fostered meaningful relationships
At the end of the day, life isn’t about the possessions we accumulate, but the connections we build and cherish.
Having meaningful relationships – be it with family, friends, or partners – is a true marker of success. These are the people who stand by you in your ups and downs, celebrate your victories, and lend a shoulder when things get tough.
If you’ve managed to foster strong, healthy relationships in your life, take a moment to appreciate this achievement. It’s not always easy to find and maintain these bonds. It takes effort, patience, and a whole lot of love.
Success is sweeter when shared. The people you hold dear are not just a part of your life; they’re a part of your success story. So here’s to those who make our lives richer – you’ve helped us be more successful than we thought possible.
7) You’ve learned to forgive
A few years ago, I found myself in a situation where someone I trusted deeply had hurt me. The pain was raw, and for a while, it seemed like that wound would never heal.
But as time passed, I realized that holding onto resentment was only causing me more harm. It was a heavy burden, one that kept me stuck in the past.
So, I chose to forgive. Not because what they did was okay, but because I deserved peace. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing and growth. It’s about letting go of the past and making room for a brighter future. If you’ve managed to forgive those who’ve wronged you, you’ve achieved something truly significant.
Letting go of grudges and choosing forgiveness is a testament to your emotional strength and maturity. It’s an indicator that you value your peace of mind more than dwelling on past transgressions. It’s another accomplishment that makes you more successful than you might think.
8) You’re comfortable with saying no
In a society that often equates busyness with success, knowing when to say “no” can be a surprising sign of true achievement.
Saying “yes” to everything can leave you spread too thin, depleting your energy and leaving little time for your own needs and passions. On the other hand, being able to assertively say “no” when necessary shows that you value your time and mental well-being.
If you’ve learned to set boundaries and prioritize your needs without feeling guilty, you’re demonstrating a noteworthy level of self-respect and self-care. This is not only essential for your personal well-being but also significantly contributes to your overall success in life.
It’s not about how much you do, but how well you maintain balance in your life. Saying “no” when needed is not a sign of weakness; it’s a marker of strength and success.
9) You take care of your physical health
While success is often associated with mental and emotional achievements, taking care of your physical health is equally important.
Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, ensuring you get enough sleep – these might seem like simple things, but they play a significant role in your overall well-being and productivity.
When you’re physically healthy, you’re better equipped to face life’s challenges, achieve your goals, and enjoy your successes.
So if you’ve made a habit of taking good care of your body, that’s a success in itself. After all, your body is the vehicle that carries you through life’s journey.
Success isn’t just about reaching a destination; it’s about enjoying the ride – and being physically fit can make that ride a whole lot smoother.
10) You’re striving for continuous growth
The most successful people understand that the journey to success is never-ending.
They know that there’s always room for improvement, always something new to learn. They embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles.
If you’ve adopted this mindset, constantly striving to better yourself and expand your horizons, then you’ve achieved the epitome of true success.
Striving for continuous growth is about recognizing that success isn’t a final destination, but an ongoing journey. And if you’re dedicated to making the most of that journey, you’re as successful as it gets.
Final Reflection: The Power of Perception
The lens through which we view our achievements can greatly impact our sense of self-worth and satisfaction.
Psychologists suggest that shifting our perspective from external accomplishments to internal growth can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment. They encourage us to redefine success, moving away from societal expectations and focusing more on personal progress.
This notion is supported by a statement from the renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow, who said, “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”
Success, then, might be about choosing growth over safety, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s about continuously striving to become better versions of ourselves.
So if you’ve accomplished these ten things in your life, it’s time to pause and appreciate yourself. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.
Remember, success isn’t a destination but a continuous journey. And if you’re on this journey of growth and self-improvement, you’re more successful than you think.