Get and Stay in Shape with ActivityTracker

In order to help us fight our almost natural tendency to stay sedentary, modern technology has come a long way. Today we are practically overwhelmed by the number of tools and gadgets particularly developed to improve our mental and physical health. If you didn’t know it by now, there’s an app for anything including to make us healthier.

How Do Fitness Apps Benefit Us

Fitness apps have become extremely popular among smart phone users all over the world, and there are several reasons for that.

First and foremost, they can provide valuable fitness and nutrition information we can use to understand our habits and better our current physical state. Moreover, they can help us get creative with our workout routine and provide plenty of exercise ideas.

Another advantage of using fitness apps derives from their capacity to help us keep track of our progress. Once we take up exercising, it’s only normal to want to know where we stand and how much we’ve advanced from our starting point. Apps do a great job at tracking our progress and stimulating us to push forward until we reach our goals.[sc name=”quote” text=”Activity apps can provide valuable fitness and nutrition information we can use to understand our habits and better our current physical state.”]

Still not convinced? One of the other benefits of fitness apps revolves around their ability to boost our motivation. By allowing us to enter various online communities, to share our results with other users and even by offering rewards, these apps give us the incentives we need to stay in shape.

Stay Fit without Draining your Battery

Of course, as mentioned above, fitness apps have multiple benefits, but come with certain downsides as well. One of those downsides refers to battery-draining, pretty common among numerous users. And this is where ActivityTracker steps in.

Developed by Bits&Coffee, ActivityTracker is a free iOS app that helps you keep up with your fitness activity without draining your iPhone’s battery, by using the motion processor instead of GPS. Users can track several metrics, from the steps taken and flights of stairs climbed to the distance run and amount of calories burned without constantly checking their battery’s life or having to wear an additional gadget.

The app allows users to import their history from Apple Health and also import/export their current data to another iPhone model. ActivityTracker makes it easy to set clear, achievable targets and enables monthly, weekly, daily or even daily activity visualization for those super excited to check their progress.

Bits&Coffee has recently released version 2.1 of ActivityTracker to make it even more competitive. The app’s biggest upgrade is that it can now synchronize steps between iPhone, Apple Watch and Health Kit, while other features involve improvements to the animations, menu and the start up speed.

By showing daily activity in a simple, user-friendly, battery-saving manner, the app has definitely an ace up its sleeve on a crowded mobile health market.

ActivityTracker is compatible with Apple Watch and is available for download on the App Store.

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