First you’ll want to delete Pocket Hipster, then you’ll enjoy its music picks

I don’t know how your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad fit into your hipster lifestyle, but if your skinny jean-wearing friends are skewering you for your tech choices, simply show them the new app Pocket Hipster to prove how hip you still are.

Faux-irony abounds within the pixels of Pocket Hipster, which aims to introduce you to indie artists so new they haven’t even recorded a song yet. OK, that bit is hyperbole, but through scanning your music library Pocket Hipster does make an effort to introduce you to new tunes based on your favorite bands.

While the app is scanning your library, you can “interact” with hipsters Sebastian Fowler, who has ironic hair, ironically shops eBay and OxFam, and refuses to ride a bike with gears, or Delilah de la Vine, who uses her fingernails as a political platform, practices the glockenspiel, and likes to print out her blog to post on telephone poles. You can tap the characters to hear more quips from their fascinatingly ironic lives, but while you do so there is nothing to indicate that Pocket Hipster is actually working. At some point, you’ll see the talk bubble in the lower corner turn from gray to black (like your heart).

Upon tapping, the icon will turn to Pantone 239, and you’ll hear a clip of a song in your library (really, you listen to him/her/them? Cliche.) and your hipster guide will offer four clips from emerging indie artists. If you like it, tap “Buy,” or the heart, to add to your music library. Be sure to tap the heart if you think there’s any chance you’ll want to explore the artist later on — with its selections centered on a random song in your library, it’s a toss-up if you’ll hear that clip again. If you get sick of Sebastian and Delilah, the Pocket Hipster gang is doubling sometime this year.

I only experienced the need to restart Pocket Hipster once on my iPhone 4, but, as the developers state, the app works best on this device. At only a dollar, I think Pocket Hipster is worth its price to discover unheard bands — I was only familiar with two bands that popped up in my multiple trials. Then again, with your grandma and pa accessories and your aviator glasses, you’re cooler than me and probably started the bands’ fan clubs. Ironically, of course.

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