Explosive Interview Exposes UN’s Flaws on Hamas Attacks

Explosive UN Flaws

Aviva Klompas, a former United Nations speechwriter and policy specialist, has publicly voiced her disapproval of the UN’s insufficient response to the recent attacks on Israel by Hamas. In addition to her background in the UN, Klompas serves as the co-founder and CEO of Boundless Israel. In a recent interview, she criticized the UN for its failure to take a stronger stance against the violent actions of Hamas, stating that the organization’s silence both undermines its credibility in promoting peace and emphasizes the need for more international support for Israel.

UN’s Response to Hamas Attacks

After the October attacks by Hamas, the UN called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians. Secretary-General António Guterres described the attacks as “appalling” but maintained that they did not occur in isolation. He highlighted the ongoing struggles faced by Palestinians, including occupation, forced relocation, and lack of political solutions. Guterres stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of the conflict and urged leaders from both sides to engage in meaningful dialogue and negotiations for a lasting peace.

Klompas’ Critique of the UN’s Approach

Klompas took issue with Guterres’ comments, pointing to the UN’s inability to confront Hamas’ actions and its repeated failure to address the group’s aggressive tactics. She argued that the UN must take a more proactive role in combating terrorism and promoting long-term peace in the region.

The UN’s Role in the Gaza Strip and Hamas’ Misuse of International Aid

Throughout the 15 years in which the UN has governed the Gaza Strip, Klompas observed that the organization has misused international aid funds, established headquarters in hospitals, and committed numerous human rights violations against Israelis and Palestinians. Furthermore, she noted that the governing body has consistently prioritized military objectives over the well-being of its citizens, leading to deteriorating living conditions and economic hardship for the local population. In addition, the UN’s lack of transparency, accountability, and unwillingness to engage in peace negotiations have further exacerbated the suffering in the region and hindered potential progress.

Klompas Asserts the UN’s Passivity Empowered Hamas

Klompas claimed that the passivity of the UN has only emboldened Hamas, leading to increased violence and tensions in the region. She accused the UN of allowing “Hamas to literally get away with murder” and called upon the global community and the UN to take a more active role in combating terrorism and promoting peace in the area.

Support from Other Prominent Figures

A number of prominent individuals, such as U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, have also criticized the UN’s response to these issues. They argue that the UN has been neither proactive nor efficient in addressing pressing global concerns, and they call for a reevaluation and improvement of the organization’s strategies and efforts to better address conflicts and promote peace in the long term.


Who is Aviva Klompas?

Aviva Klompas is a former United Nations speechwriter and policy specialist. She is also the co-founder and CEO of Boundless Israel. She has recently criticized the UN’s insufficient response to the attacks on Israel by Hamas.

What was the UN’s response to the Hamas attacks?

The UN called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians and stressed the importance of addressing the root causes of the conflict. However, it has been critiqued for not taking a stronger stance against Hamas’ violent actions.

What is Klompas’ critique of the UN’s approach?

Klompas argued that the UN must take a more proactive role in combating terrorism and promoting long-term peace in the region. She believes the UN’s inability to confront Hamas’ actions and its repeated failure to address the group’s aggressive tactics is undermining its credibility in promoting peace.

How has the UN’s role in the Gaza Strip led to Hamas’ misuse of international aid?

According to Klompas, the UN’s lack of transparency, accountability, and unwillingness to engage in peace negotiations, as well as the misuse of international aid funds and human rights violations, has hindered progress and empowered Hamas, leading to deteriorating living conditions and economic hardship for the local population.

How does Klompas connect the UN’s passivity to Hamas’ empowerment?

Klompas claimed that the UN’s passivity has emboldened Hamas, leading to increased violence and tensions in the region. She accused the UN of allowing “Hamas to literally get away with murder” and urged the global community and the UN to take a more active role in combating terrorism and promoting peace in the area.

Do other prominent figures support Klompas’ opinion?

Yes, several prominent individuals, such as U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, have also criticized the UN’s response to these issues. They call for a reevaluation and improvement of the organization’s strategies and efforts to better address conflicts and promote peace in the long term.

First Reported on: foxnews.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Polina Zimmerman; Pexels; Thank you!


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