Ex-Chief Justice Nisar to confront allegations in Pakistan

"Justice Nisar Allegations"

Ex-Chief Justice Saqib Nisar has voiced plans to return to Pakistan to face allegations related to the events of May 9.

He is prepared to defend his integrity against claims he was involved in these incidents, and confront ‘propaganda’ fueled by rumors of an impending accountability investigation.

Nisar has dismissed all accusations against him as part of an orchestrated smear campaign. Despite the widespread speculation, he remains steadfast and ready to challenge the claims directed towards him.

Media presenter Munizae Jahangir recently shared details of a discussion with the former Chief Justice. During their conversation, Nisar revealed his intended plans to return to Pakistan around September 6 or 7. He expressed a strong desire to reconnect with his homeland.

On a separate note, Nisar acknowledged meeting ex-general Gen Faiz during his vacation in Swat in 2022, but downplayed any ties with a former intelligence officer.

Nisar has been vocal about his disapproval of the ongoing ‘media trial’.

Nisar returns to Pakistan to challenge allegations

He emphasized the need for formal legal charges for a proper legal engagement. According to him, speculative media reports have been tarnishing his reputation without substantial evidence. Nisar has categorically refuted any associations with Gen Hameed and PTI and vehemently denied any involvement in the May 9 incident.

Nisar’s decision to defend himself against these allegations is being closely watched by the public and legal circles. His anticipated return to Pakistan and potential court trials are seen as key developments in the ongoing matter.

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