Educational iPad Apps

iLiveMath Animals Of Africa

over 1 million randomly generated math word problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and percents across 26 types of African animals with tweeting, blogging, and email of answers for feedback and follow up.


iLiveMath Winter Sports

Over 20 different winter kid friendly sports which creates word problems as a teaching opportunity after the winter games in Vancouver. Includes tweeting, email, and blogging of problems and answers as well as scores.


iLiveMath Animals of Asia

Time for the Year of the Tiger. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and 4 digit math across the Chinese Years of the zodiac. Learn about time concepts, across mins, hours, weeks, years, months, and kg/week, ib/week, etc… Tweet, blog, and email answers.



Fun for younger kids – spinning and counting. Designed by kids for kids.



Addition and subtraction – plus Chinese and Mayan numbers for cultural teaching opportunities. Timer also included.



Multiplication and Subtraction with Timer and spinners.



6 different comparisons of inequalities for rapid fire estimations between various operations… Grades 4 and higher…


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