Resilience is not a trait you’re born with – it’s forged through the fires of life’s challenges. It’s the ability to dust yourself off after a fall, to keep going when the odds are stacked against you. It’s about embracing adversity as an opportunity for growth, rather than a roadblock.
You may not realize it, but if you’ve weathered certain storms in your life, you’re likely much more resilient than the average person.
Here are eight experiences that often signify a high level of resilience. Recognize any?
1) You’ve faced significant obstacles
Life is not always a smooth sail. It’s filled with highs and lows, victories and defeats. And it’s during the times of defeat, the moments when life throws a curveball at you, that your resilience is tested.
If you’ve faced major life obstacles – be it a personal loss, a career setback, or a health crisis – and have managed to come out on the other side, you’re demonstrating a level of resilience that is higher than average.
It’s easy to keep moving forward when things are going well. But it takes real strength to stand up again after being knocked down. It’s in these moments of adversity that resilience is built, and if you’ve been through this, you’re likely stronger than you realize.
Just remember, it’s not about how many times life knocks you down; it’s about how many times you get back up. Every challenge you overcome adds another layer to your resilience, making you more equipped to handle whatever comes next.
2) You’ve taken risks and faced failure
Taking risks and venturing into the unknown can be terrifying. But if you’ve done this, if you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone, even when the outcome wasn’t guaranteed, then you are showcasing your resilience.
I, too, have taken numerous risks throughout my life. Some were successful, while others resulted in failure. But I’ve learned that it’s through these failures that we grow the most. We learn about our strengths and weaknesses, we acquire new skills, and most importantly, we build resilience.
When we fail, we learn to pick ourselves up and try again. We learn to adapt and overcome. And this ability to bounce back from failure is a key component of resilience.
As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” If you’ve experienced failure and used it as a stepping stone towards success, then you are far more resilient than the average person.
3) You’ve weathered the storm of failure and rejection
Rejection can sting, and failure can be a tough blow to our self-esteem. But if you’ve taken a risk, put yourself out there, and faced rejection or failure head-on, then you’ve demonstrated a significant level of resilience.
I have experienced numerous rejections and failures throughout my life. But each time, I’ve picked myself up, dusted myself off, and persevered. These experiences have not only made me stronger but also taught me valuable lessons about resilience and growth.
In fact, I’ve found that embracing these uncomfortable experiences can foster profound personal growth and resilience. In my video on the illusion of happiness, I discuss how chasing happiness can actually make us miserable.
The key to true contentment lies in embracing life’s challenges and fostering meaningful relationships rather than constantly pursuing an elusive state of happiness.
I invite you to watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of how embracing failure and rejection can lead to resilience and personal growth:

4) You’ve taken full responsibility for your life
The path to resilience is often littered with blame. It’s easy to point fingers at others or external circumstances when things don’t go our way.
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But if you’ve made a conscious effort to take full responsibility for your life – your decisions, your actions, your responses – you’ve exhibited a high level of resilience.
This isn’t about blaming ourselves for things beyond our control. It’s about acknowledging our agency in how we respond to life’s challenges. It’s about choosing to learn from our mistakes, adapt our approach, and forge ahead despite setbacks or obstacles.
This is an important aspect of my own belief system. I am convinced that true empowerment comes from taking full responsibility for our lives. By focusing on what we can control – our attitudes, actions, and responses, we carve a path towards personal freedom and resilience.
Holding ourselves accountable is a powerful act. It means we are no longer victims of circumstance but active participants in shaping our own destiny. It’s raw, it’s honest, and it’s a testament to our resilience.
5) You’ve embraced your creative potential
Creativity is often thought of as a talent that only a select few possess. But if you’ve tapped into your own creative potential – whether it’s through problem-solving, developing innovative ideas, or expressing yourself artistically – then you’re demonstrating resilience in a unique way.
Embracing creativity requires us to be open to new ideas, willing to take risks, and comfortable with uncertainty. It’s about pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and daring to think differently. And it’s these very qualities that make us resilient.
One of my core beliefs is that creativity is the essence of our humanity. It’s not a special skill reserved for a select few, but an inherent capacity within all of us. Every challenge we face is an opportunity to tap into our creative potential and find innovative solutions.
Choosing to harness your creativity – even when it feels uncomfortable or risky – is an act of courage. It’s raw, it’s honest, and it’s a testament to your resilience.
6) You’ve let go of perfectionism
On the surface, striving for perfection seems like a commendable goal. But in truth, perfectionism can be a hindrance to resilience. If you’ve managed to let go of the need for perfection, accepting that mistakes and flaws are part of being human, then you’re displaying a significant level of resilience.
Perfectionism often stems from fear – fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of not being enough. But when we let go of perfectionism, we free ourselves from these fears. We allow ourselves to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow.
One of my core beliefs is in the transformative power of self-awareness and personal growth. By confronting our fears and cultivating self-compassion, we become more capable of creating the lives we desire. Letting go of perfectionism is a crucial step in this journey.
It may seem paradoxical, but embracing imperfection can actually lead us closer to our ideal selves. It’s an honest acknowledgement of our humanity, and a testament to our resilience.
7) You’ve cultivated authentic relationships
Building authentic relationships is a complex process that requires vulnerability, empathy, and mutual respect. If you’ve managed to cultivate such relationships, then you’re likely more resilient than the average person.
Authentic relationships aren’t about superficial connections or transactional interactions. They’re about deep emotional bonds that support us during challenging times, inspire us to grow, and enrich our lives with shared experiences.
One of my core beliefs is in the profound importance of supportive communities and authentic relationships. It’s through our connections with others that we find the courage to pursue our dreams, the resilience to overcome challenges, and the joy of shared experiences.
Cultivating authentic relationships is a testament to your resilience. It shows that you’ve navigated the complexities of human interaction, remained true to yourself, and built connections based on mutual respect and empathy.
8) You’ve embraced obstacles as opportunities for growth
Life is full of obstacles. But if you’ve learned to view these obstacles not as roadblocks, but as opportunities for growth, then you’re demonstrating a level of resilience that surpasses the average person’s.
It’s easy to feel discouraged by setbacks. But embracing them as opportunities for learning and growth changes the narrative. Instead of being knocked down by challenges, we learn from them, adapt, and come out stronger on the other side.
One of my core beliefs is that every challenge contains within it the seeds of creative possibility. I embrace obstacles and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of getting discouraged by failure, I choose to view it as feedback and an invitation to adapt and evolve.
Aligning with this belief signifies resilience in its purest form. It’s a testament to your strength, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to personal growth.
Embracing the Power of Resilience
The journey of resilience, as we’ve discovered, is not a straightforward one.
It’s a path that takes us through significant obstacles, rejections, and failures. It requires us to take risks, embrace our creative potential, and let go of perfectionism. It asks us to build authentic relationships and view challenges as opportunities for growth.
But in navigating this journey, we come to realize something profound about ourselves. We uncover a strength we didn’t know we had. We tap into a resourcefulness that surprises even us. And we find a capacity for growth that transforms not just our lives, but also the lives of those around us.
These experiences don’t just make us resilient – they make us human. They connect us with others who have faced similar struggles, fostering a sense of shared humanity and mutual understanding.
And so, as we continue on this journey of resilience, let’s remember that our experiences aren’t just about overcoming challenges or achieving goals. They’re also about discovering who we truly are – and who we can become.
That’s the power of resilience. And it’s a power that resides within all of us.