Cut the Rope: Holiday Gift offers more levels, more challenge for free

Perhaps as a “thank you” for fans helping to make the original Cut The Rope app a phenomenon nearly on par with Angry Birds, developer Chillingo has released Cut The Rope: Holiday Gift. The game remains the same: your odd, green friend Om Nom wants some candy, and you’ve got to cut through a few ropes to give it to him, but the backgrounds are now holiday-themed.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but if you’re a fan of Cut The Rope, downloading this free bonus pack of levels is a bit of a no-brainer. The same addictive gameplay that makes Cut The Rope so accessible, the ability to beat a level while letting the player strive for the game’s bonus stars in order to get bonus points, remains untouched.

And just because this is a bonus pack doesn’t make those stars any easier to reach, either. While in some levels it seems impossible not to get all three stars lying about the stage, other levels make it a challenge to even end up with one star. There is nothing in Cut The Rope: Holiday Gift that feels tossed off or careless.

Really, the only gripe one could have with the app is that because it is a free gift of sorts, it’s extremely short. Even with only moderate playing time, it won’t take long for most players to at least finish the game’s 25 levels. It might be more difficult for players to master them, but those looking for a more robust game will have to pay for the original Cut The Rope.

But for anyone just looking for a little holiday magic infused into their favorite rope-cutting game, Cut The Rope: Holiday Gift is a wise acquisition. It’s just as much fun as the original, only this time there are some candy canes and stockings thrown in for good measure.

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