Would you like to contribute to News Reports?
Great news, talented authors! News Reports welcomes guest articles. Please be advised, however, that we have an eye for quality and are very selective in terms of what we decide to publish. We’re looking for fresh, entirely original content that actually has something meaningful to say to our readers.
Your best bet is to offer up expert-level insights into recently published studies, statistics, news events, economic trends, or other empirical data. Your take should help our non-expert readers interpret and discern. Please do not submit thinly-disguised promotions for your products or services. We believe that your expertise is most likely your single best marketing tool.
Guest writers can post as many articles as they wish. Should you decide to become a regular contributor, we’ll ask you to commit to a regular time slot, deadline, and have a proven track record of timeliness before earning that particular honorific.
Please follow all of the instructions below and on our online form to submit an article for consideration. Our editorial team reviews every article submitted. The standard turnaround time for notification is two to six weeks, depending on the length of our existing writer queue. Please wait at least a few weeks before following up with us.
Step 1: Write and submit something amazing and mind-blowing.
Please DO:
- Address one (1) primary topic in your article. More importantly, provide specific takeaways that are helpful and actionable.
- Keep your word count within the 1,000- to 1,500-word range, excluding suggested title(s) and any captions.
- Submit only your final version of the article. We do not track versions or permit edits to documents once they’ve been uploaded.
- Watch your links. Keep them to a minimum. Use only links to supporting evidence, data, and statistics that buttress your main point. We reserve the right to strip any links we deem overly promotional in nature.
- Smile for the camera. Attach a suitable 200×200 square headshot.
- Introduce yourself to our readers. Provide a 100- to 150-word author bio. Links that appear in bios will be stripped.
Please DO NOT:
- Plagiarize. Not even a little.
- Submit the identical article more than once.
- Send articles as attachments to emails.
- Include images in your document that don’t belong to you or reside in the public domain.
- Contact us after publication requesting text edits or links be added back in.
Step 2: Enjoy your newfound — or greatly enhanced — fame.
We look forward to seeing you link to your News Reports article(s) on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. For our part, we do everything we can to make sure your expertise is highly visible to interested audiences.