Contract Killer iPhone game a unique sniper experience

Most sniper apps tend to be quick and easy arcade shooters. You get a gun and have to eliminate so many targets in specific time limits, or something similar. Contract Killer takes a more nuanced approach, if you can say that about a game where you sit on a rooftop and pick off targets.

Contract Killer functions more like a Grand-Theft-Auto-style game, at least in terms of the way you pick up contracts. Instead of randomly assigned levels where you shoot at nameless targets, you’ll receive your next target from contacts that are laid out on a large city map.

While the game doesn’t offer nearly the sort of choices you’ll find in a game like GTA, the fact that the game has some sort of narrative that’s integrated into your shooting is fairly impressive.

The actual gameplay aspect of Contract Killer is as sound as other sniper games, and the large number of upgrades you’re able to make when it comes to your weapon of choice provides a bit of a hint that there’s a lot of game to chew through here.

If there’s a downside to Contract Killer, it’s that although the story arcs are appreciated, between the time it takes to read through various scenarios and the time spent waiting for levels to load, you’ll find yourself waiting on Contract Killer as much as you’re actually playing it. Or at least it can feel that way after you’ve botched a mission and just want to restart as quickly as possible.

For a free app, Contract Killer is a solid game. It won’t knock your socks off in too many ways, but it’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a deeper sniper experience.

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