Car Accident Apps

iWrecked – Auto Accident Assistant

With iwrecked, it is so easy to collect all of the information you need from your accident and it will help you not to forget anything important. It’s especially good for collecting other peoples info and storing it in the vehicle information log. Also, the call buttons are useful to make direct calls. The best part is that it keeps everything in one place and organized. I haven’t come across many apps that do this and if they’re out there I doubt they have such great reviews.


AAA Roadside

This app allows you to avoid calling and waiting on the phone. It also eliminates the frustrating problem of bad reception and having to repeat information. It also has all of the AAA services that you would get if you were to call. And you can still call and follow-up if you want. All of your info will already be there and I find it comforting to talk to someone.



Translation apps are like spell check. They are helpful and necessary, but they are not right all of the time. Here is an example, you’ve just eaten a great meal and the cook only speaks Spanish. You want to say, I am so full! So, the suggestion is estoy completo. And the chef bursts out laughing! Estoy completo means (I am sexually full) Estoy contento (I am content/full) is a much better and correct response. What if you’re in an accident and the other person doesn’t speak English? They speak Chinese or Arabic. Or maybe English is your second language? Think about it. The risk of a little bit of embarrassment is better than no communication at all.


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