Blogging Ideas iPhone app littered with grammatical errors

An app suggesting tips for writing a better blog is a great idea. Certainly, there are plenty of blogs that could use a switch in how they deliver content to their readers, but the Blogging Ideas app is not the place to get a better plan — or any plan, for that matter.

While Blogging Ideas does have 24 sections, ranging from a weird history of blogging to a section entitled “Making Money from Blogs,” very little of what is written is coherent.

If poor grammar were Blogging Ideas biggest problem, it might still warrant a look if the advice is sound, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Instead, most of the tips seem to repeatedly discuss what a blog is, and what sort of things you could write about on your blog.

Perhaps most galling is a section, smack in the middle of the app, titled “All You Need to Know IS.” Given that it’s not a summary of the app and there are multiple sections that come after it, that title seems laughably bad. But ending that section’s first paragraph by saying “The need for a personalized and human face aspect of building online communities is slowly changing the technological landscape of the Internet,” makes the app sound like a paper you wrote at the last minute in high school.

About the only pleasant aspect of Blogging Ideas is the scroll bar that lets you resize text at your whim. It’s a feature I wouldn’t mind seeing integrated into other apps. Otherwise, Blogging Ideas is a total dud, and should be avoided. Your dollar could be better spent elsewhere, like sliding down a drain.

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