Best Apps for Instagram Users

Tags!: Auto Like & Followers App for Instagram (Android)

One of the less glamourous aspects of uploading images to Instagram is having to think of the hashtags to put for the photo or video. However, Tags! a tool that has been created to automatically populate images with the relevant hashtags so that users do not have to do it themselves manually. All that a user has to do to get the hashtags is to upload a photo at which point the apps advanced software will recognize different elements within the photo to assign relevant hashtags. From there, users can choose which ones to keep, which ones to discard, and if they want to add any of their own. In being able to automatically get multiple hashtags from simply uploading a photo, Tags! Is a highly recommended tool for those who take a large number of Instagram photos as they can focus more on taking pictures instead of the mundane task of thinking of hashtags.

9square for Instagram (iOS/Android)

One way to differentiate a profile on Instagram is to upload images in a way that has not been done by others. With this, users are able to upload multiple images at once and then “stitch” them together so that it is one larger picture on their profile. As this is not a default option on Instagram, 9square for Instagram is an app that takes a whole image and then divides it up into 9 separate sections that are numbered so that users know what order to upload them in. After this is done, users are able to upload the images to form a larger image on their profile which other people do not currently do to enhance their profile.  Although the images may not make sense on their own as they are divided into smaller grids to form a larger picture on the profile, 9square for Instagram is one of the easiest ways to differentiate a profile.

Reports+ Followers Analytics for Instagram (iOS/Android)

A tool that is currently not being leveraged to grow Instagram followers is advanced analytics which helps to reveal the details behind the followers of the user. With this information, users are able to cater their content to their specific follower demographics in ways that would not otherwise be possible without the information. Furthermore, the information is made to be user friendly and not as technical so that it can be understood quickly by all of its users. This is done through the use of charts and graphs that track performance over time which are features that are not currently offered through Instagram. As a tool that is perfect for those who are looking for ways in which to leverage data to enhance their Instagram page, Reports+ Followers Analytics for Instagram should be utilized to do so.

Panorama for Instagram: InSwipe (Android)

Another way to enhance the quality of content on an Instagram page would be to increase the creative factor of the posts. With this, many users are not familiar with the ability to add panoramic photos the images given the size constraint of the frames. However, Panorama for Instagram: InSwipe is a tool that provides an end-to-end solution with regards to panoramic views for the social media site. Firstly, users need to open the app to take a panoramic photo, edit the image, and then upload it to the Instagram page. As a single tool that is able to take, edit, and upload the panoramic photo, the app is one that is perfect for enhancing the quality of images by adding additional elements to static images.

VSCO (iOS/Android)

For those who are looking to enhance their images like never before right on the mobile device, VSCO is a renowned tool that enables users to add an additional artistic edge to their image in a matter of seconds. With this, users are able to take images and then enhance them with a high degree of professionalism that is not offered for competing apps to include film-inspired presets and the ability to have unprecedented camera control. In being able to edit images with filters and advanced editing mechanisms, images that are uploaded to Instagram can be made to be immensely more professional, even for those who may be new to the realm of photography. With the combination of these features, VSCO is a great tool to be used for enhancing images on Instagram.

For those who are looking for ways to enhance their Instagram presence, the apps listed in this article are able to significantly help. From those that are designed to automatically tag each photo with the relevant hashtags to others that divide up an image to make it into a larger portrait on the profile page, these apps are simply to deploy but can greatly enhance any profile whether it is for personal or professional use.

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