Italian Cuisine Recipes
Have your own Lady and the Tramp moment with a plate full of pasta. Don’t have a recipe? No problem. Consider this app your personal chef (except you have to do the cooking.) This app is full of romantic meal ideas.
Date Smart – Dating Ideas
Based on your zip code, Date Smart will generate a ton of ideas for what you could do on your date. It has categories that even include first date options. Never settle for just dinner and a movie again!
Awesome Pickups Lite
This might actually encourage a dating disaster, but if the object of your affection has a sense of humor, these will be a hit.
Excuse Me – Free
This app is your scapegoat when you just HAVE to get out of there. You can set a timer for a fake call to go off. It even displays the “slide to answer” image.
Created by, a social network for the single, BadDates makes it easy to not only vent about the date from hell, but you can also get advice from other users.