Apps for a Rainy Winter

Vogue Knitting Knit Buddy

There’s a reason folks here like to knit. It’s because it’s cold-ish and knitting in front of the fire while watching a movie is the perfect northwest distraction. We’re not slackers here so being productive in our down time is an extra added bit of awesome. It’s why you’ll actually see people knitting at bars and coffee shops on occasion.
For knitters this app is a must. You can keep track of the needles you have and projects so you don’t duplicate your inventory when you hit the local neighborhood shop.


Epicurious Recipes & Shopping List

What do you do when you nest in the winter? You make soup and stew and comfort nesting food. While there are other great recipe apps out there thus far this one hits the spot most of the time.



We’re a smart group of people up here and we didn’t get that way by chance. Nope, we get there by reading. Lots. And because we love recycling and community we also love our libraries. This app keeps you connected to the library books you need for a lovely day with a cup of tea and a fire while it’s pouring rain outside. Remind me again why people don’t like the rain?


Ski and Snow Report

The real reason some of us have no problems with winter? We get outside. Sure it’s not really nesting but a nice day of skiing makes the soup and fire that much better. No Vitamin D issues here, just get out as much as you do in the summer by heading out to the mountains to play in the snow. Be it skiing, snowboarding, cross country, snowshoeing, snow mobiling… you name it, we love to play outside. Use this app to figure out what days you’ll have a lovely “cold”. Just make sure your boss doesn’t have one too!


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