A Scanner Darkly: Different Scanning Apps on the iPhone

Word Lens

This app is making an appearance in all the tech blogs recently and there’s no question why: it’s amazing! This app lets you focus in on your camera and either translates the text it sees to or from Spanish or creates reverse word by detecting the letters and then working it’s magic. This is the app to impress your friends with for 2011!



As a web and graphic designer, this app has actually come in handy several times. Take a picture of a word in a certain typography and this app pulls up the fonts with the closest match.


Chase Mobile

I’ve written about this before and I’ll continue to extol this app’s praises. You can freaking deposit checks with this app! With two clearly shot photos from your iPhone you can save on gas going to the bank and be a little richer!


Genius Scan – PDF Scanner

This app lets you make .pdf documents with your images containing text or written out instructions. Great for accounting on the go with bills and invoices.


Business Card Reader Pro

this is a great app for easily entering in information on a business card into your iPhone’s address book. This app instinctively know which lines belong where and is a real time saver!


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